Everything you need to know about mastering movement in CS: GO

CS: GO is a game where the player has to be quick like ‘Muhammad Ali.’ And by Ali, I meant that the player has to be quick and lethal. CSGO ranks can be easily maintained and achieved with solid movement in the game.

In the lower ranks of CS: GO, solid movement is something that you don’t tend to see very often. Today, I am going to share 8 tips which can help you boost your CSGO rankings.

Tip 1 – Masking sounds can be helpful when playing with the players with a good sense of hearing. Dropping grenades and boosting is the key to winning.

Tip 2 - Bunny hop or B-hopping was much more viable than it is now and can be useful in some scenarios.

Tip 3 - learn and reassign the key so that it sets on your fingers. Proper keystrokes and memorization can help you control the player much better.

Tip 4 – Strafe shooting is considered to be a great way not to die. When you strafe jump, you become a harder target to hit.

Tip 5 – Control the movement on the ladder as this might give you an edge over the enemy. The accuracy and speed changes while on a ladder. Learn it, and you can be lethal.

Tip 6 – Shifting can be beneficial for the player movement. You can shift tosprint faster and reach the enemy quicker.

Tip 7 – Determine optimal routes which can help you jump on the enemy and have the upper hand.

Tip 8 – Practice routes and learn the maps. Learning to reach from point A to point B in the quickest way possible can leverage you get a higher rank.


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